no, this title is not a list of the ingredients for a recipe but the essential you owe to yourself.
I used to think that others, my surrounding, kin and kith, should pay me some respect, acknowledge my worthiness and care about my feelings. Although this is all right, they should. But truth is, they are oblige. They owe me nothing. They may be willing give it all, and sometimes I may ask for it and even snatch it. The only person that owe it, it's me.
I must respect myself, value me and care for me. I must be the first and it is the only way to show others how to treat me, like I want to be treated whether at work, home, or in my social relations. This is what I want to share with you. I want you to realize that you deserve all the respect, all the care and you are worth it, but the others won't care if you do not first. You shall always be the first to give these essentials to yourself and then, if your surroundings are not willing to afford it to you, you will go for it.
You may think what I say is hard and that we can live in this world simply by turning our minds up and accept the fact that people will not always give us what we want. Thing is, they don't give us what we want because sometimes we don't tell what we want and we fail to show them how to give and what to give. I challenge anyone to show some respect to someone who doesn't even give a minimum respect to hiself or to care for someone who doesn't care. It will be difficult, not impossible, but really difficult.
When we are unsatisfied, we judge and we hurt. For I think there is no common sense, we cannot think the same all together, we have to help people and if we want them to succeed in that, we must show, teach them how we respect, value and care for ourselves.
Good day friends, LOVE!