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Femme, tu as ta place dans ce monde!

Selon Natou Pedro Sakombi, le problème de la femme africaine est identitaire. Coucou à toi qui me lis aujourd'hui, je te souhaite de...

Taking new challenges!

Hello friends, Happy month to you all, it is almost the end of August. Surely, you have lived and survived difficult and emotionally...

N'attend pas une validation

Salut les amis, J'espère que vous allez bien; si ce n'est pas le cas, considérez que c'est juste une tempête et qu'il fera beau après...

Ne sois pas absorbé par ta personne!

Salut les amis, j'ai réfléchis pendant des semaines, je ne savais pas quel thème aborder pour mon prochain article. Je voulais quelque...

On Forgiveness..

Hello friends, I hope you are all good. It has been a while I have been thinking about writing on forgiveness; but I bet I was not ready...

Sois un arc-en-ciel...

Sois un arc-en-ciel au milieu des nuages dans la vie d'une personne. Salut les amis, j'espère que tu vas bien, mieux, toi qui me lis; si...

Don't be hard on yourself !

Fall on yourself like a dandelion leaf falls on your head and lay with gentleness. Hello friends, poetry inspires me this morning. Hope...

Gather experiences!

Hello friends! Hope you're all having a great weekend. When it comes to professional career, we have been told for decades now, that what...

Put yourself together !

Hello friends. I’m sure everyone gets angry at least once a day and even twice or more for some; but what is really important is not what...

Commit and be still.

2019 is almost here! Friends, this will be the last post of the year 2018. I am happy and proud of us. To all my readers, thank you! Your...

Try to live to the fullest

Hello friends, actually, can you say you are living your life to the fullest? Yes, No, Perhaps? It may not be easy but it is possible....

Sois reconnaissant.e.!

Salut les amis, la nuit ne dure que jusqu'à ce que le soleil se lève. Les larmes ne coulent que jusqu'à ce que le sourire vienne les...

Choisir le bonheur, consciemment.

Salut les amis. On parle de plus en plus du bonheur de nos jours. Ce matin j'ai reçu un podcast qui parlait du bonheur, des pensées et de...

A little bit of kindness changes the universe.

What if we smile at one another? Hello dear friends, have you ever thought what this world could be if simply we act with kindness?...

Speak up!

Hello friends, It is no more a secret we all know my interest for self-excellence, force, and braveness just by reading my posts each...

Respect, value, care.

Friends, no, this title is not a list of the ingredients for a recipe but the essential you owe to yourself. I used to think that others,...

"Trust begins with trust"

Although it is a common word, a common issue for everyone, I have never ask myself what do trust really mean. Then I found this book at...

Living a life of purpose.

Hello friends, One day I ask myself how could we really do what we have to do if we have no mission. I think we would live a life of...

The three secrets of life

Hello friends, This post, I hope and wish, will be different in a very particular and special way. Some people nowourdays, speak about...

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