Hello friends,
It is no more a secret we all know my interest for self-excellence, force, and braveness just by reading my posts each from the first to now. I am not a passive person of at least I try not to be. I think this world has become a real huge jungle and we are not here to be passive but to strengthen enough our self to rise over every situation, every person, every feeling that tries to hold us down. It must start with a voice.
A closed mouth cannot be feed, said an actress I really love.She is right.Ifwe want to be heard, we must speak and speak so loud to be understood. We must speak promptly and wisely to be ackowledge. If you stand up for something whatever it is, the best way to catch the ears and minds is to raise your voice. If you are afraid to speak try a pen 😆 it is good too, watch me. If someone offends, you say it. If you want something, ask for it. Do whatever you can, but do not stay silent.
First, know what you say and care of how you say it. Don’t get involved in things of subjects you know nothing about, in which there is no interests and in which you or your work are not related in any way, otherwise you may just pull some bullshits out.
Second, wait for the best time to speak. Stop speaking uselessly. If I learnt something from Buddhist believers, it is the importance to shut the mouth off when nothing good, wise and useful, intelligently said is going to be express.
Finally, be true with yourself and with others. What you say will be consider by your audience as what you think. What you stand up for will be consider as your own fight. Your image, your reputation, your relations will be either good or bad just relating to what you have said.
"You get in life what you have the courage to ask for" Oprah Winfrey.
Don't forget to let this world your unique colour with LOVE!!