Hello friends,
This post, I hope and wish, will be different in a very particular and special way. Some people nowourdays, speak about being a winner but they are just telling us that we need to win things, we need to be successful, we need more power. But no one taught us how to conquer our fears, doubts, insecurities, and to get over of trust issues. How many of us care about being free of our scattered brain, our powerless mental, or to master the only place where life truly exists, herein? We probably all want it and care for it.
If I learned something these past two months being off writting, it is these three facts:
One, we all need a point. I mean a "where I want to be", to be our fuel. A vision, that we trust to be what we need and what we want. And to identify the vision or to choose a point, cannot be make without first finding your purpose of life. (You can get the post on the purpose of life on the blog).
Two, we need to be still. Whatever the circumstances, whatever all the things crossing the mind and trying to get you out of your point, do not releash, do not freak, do not let the weakness get over you.
Three, enjoy the ride. We surely don't know how the road will be, but one thing is sure, you have the choice. You can choose to cross your road, meaning your life, with smile and braveness and patience, or you can choose to be sad and untrustful.
Friends, I wish you a joyful and excellent week. Be bold!